The Dark Knight links a brutal psychopath to the Flying Graysons' murder, and the streets of Gotham run red with terror! Dick Grayson is reborn to wage war on crime! The newly banded Justice League fans out, trying to catch a bat!
Geoff Johns, Frank Miller, Scott Snyder, Jeph Loeb, Joe Kelly, Mark Verheiden, Jim Lee, Klaus Janson, Greg Capullo, Ed Benes, Scott Williams & Matthew Clark
Tom King, Mikel Janin, Andy Kubert, Greg Capullo, José Luis García-López, Lee Weeks, Jim Lee, Frank Miller, Tony S. Daniel, Neal Adams, Lee Bermejo, Tim Sale, Rafael Albuquerque, Amanda Conner, Ty Templeton, Paul Pope, Jason Fabok, Clay Mann, Becky Cloonan, David Finch, Mitch Gerads & Joëlle Jones