Batman: Earth One - Geoff Johns & Gary Frank

Batman: Earth One

By Geoff Johns & Gary Frank

  • Release Date: 2012-07-10
  • Genre: Comics & Graphic Novels
Score: 4.5
From 437 Ratings


A #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Batman is not a hero. He is just a man. Fallible, vulnerable, and angry. In a Gotham City where friend and foe are indistinguishable, Bruce Wayne's path toward becoming the Dark Knight is riddled with more obstacles than ever before. Focused on punishing his parents� true killers, and the corrupt police that allowed them to go free, Bruce Wayne's thirst for vengeance fuels his mad crusade and no one, not even Alfred, can stop him. In the tradition of the #1 New York Times bestselling Superman: Earth One, writer Geoff Johns and artist Gary Frank re-imagine a new mythology for the Dark Knight, where the familiar is no longer the expected in this long-awaited original graphic novel from DC Comics.


  • Very good read!

    By hjhagan19
    This is a good rendition of year one. This is the closest rendition to the new Batman in theaters. I won’t spoil anything but if you like the grittier and dirty version then this Batman is for you!
  • Worst Batman EVER

    By Dre Von
    I don't know what it is about Geoff Johns portrayal of Batman. He writes a Batman that would be considered pathetic and just plain insulting to the Batman mythology. If what he did in this book is not consider character assassination, then I don't know what is. This Batman wouldn't even win a fight against someone's grandmother. I would say disappointing but knowing the author, it shouldn't be a surprise.
  • Okay so it is kinda confusing but

    By Not None
  • Batman Year One Part 1

    By Iman Rakhshan
    The Best Comic Book Of Batman.
  • A New Kind of Batman

    By Megaman64HD2012LOL:)
    I like most if not all the changes I actually really like. I like Bruce's mom is an Arkham, the typical role reversal of Gordon and Bullock, and even the large conspiracy that surrounds the Waynes' deaths. I really like the artwork, but I sort of really wanted another big batman villain. I don't know, the penguin didn't really hold it for me. However, I would by a physical copy after reading it! It's that good!
  • Different, but in a good way

    By T-1000
    This alternate re-telling of Batman's origin was a lot better than I expected. Grade: A
  • Updating and old tale

    By Juliofrank83
    The story of "Batman: Earth One" is a retelling of how Bruce Wayne becane Batman. One character I was surprised to see that I rememnber from "Batman: The Animated Series" is Harvey Bullock. I disliked how the stort is fastpaced. The art is great!
  • Perfect

    By Bat-Excellence
    For a writer who doesn't like Batman, this is a great take on the Dark Knight. It shows that this Batman has a hard time fighting crime. Not to mention, Gary Frank's artwork goes well with it. This is now one of my favorite Batman comics.
  • this book is awesome

    By jeremy husserl
    i really like the geoff johns writing and gary franks art, this book is awesome
  • What's the scale?

    By Rocko Socko
    I believe that Frank Millers & Allen Moores stories about the Batman are the best. Thats my scale. This story Is worth the money, but its not in the same league as FM or AM. Enjoyable pre & post Batman year one reality. This is a 3/5. I believe that the illustrations & coloring are weak. The story keeps you interested but, as other unofficial critics, like me, have pointed out, there's not a lot new here, just a slightly different take on Gotham played within the boundaries of recent comics and movies.