A Princess of Mars - Edgar Rice Burroughs

A Princess of Mars

By Edgar Rice Burroughs

  • Release Date: 1917-01-01
  • Genre: Fiction & Literature
Score: 4.5
From 315 Ratings


A Princess of Mars, Edgar Rice Burroughs. Revised version of http://ota.ox.ac.uk/id/1903 . First edition published in 1917.. Text tagged in TEI compatible format by Jeffery Triggs for the University of Oxford Text Archive..


  • A Classic Sprawling Adventure

    By antoniotambornino
    Like the movie John Carter, dislike the movie, love it, hate it, the book A Princess of Mars has stood the test of time as a seminal pulp adventure tale, one that, along with its sequels, has influenced adventure stories for the past century, including Star Wars and Star Trek, and has almost singlehandedly influenced the super hero genre. It's one drawback is Burroughs' decision to tell the tale in the first-person narrative, which for some people makes this book annoying. Want to know more? Read the book and see for yourself. :)
  • Problematic edition

    By x0002
    This edition omits the framing preface signed byERB that sets up the narrative. It also has several typos. OTOH it is free, but one expects better of the Oxford Text Archive. On a separate note. What a travesty was the 2014 movie-ization--painful to watch for someone (me) who has read the work probably 30 times. As thpugh the movie writers felt they could write better than Burroughs, who could seripusly outdo them in his sleep. Michael Chabon this means you.
  • A Princess of Mars

    By Wtd1954
    A tale of adventure, triumph & love. What else do you need ? Loved it !
  • Breath Taking

    By Taragi
    This book is one of the best written pieces of this age. The exruciating details the author has gone into have been worded in ways that they don't take away from the story itself, while still leaving plenty enough for the creative mind to imagine for themselves. The plot itself is also a wonder, every turn keeps you guessing and everytime I read it I find something I didn't realize before. This book and the others in the series behind it are absolute genius.
  • Review of A PRINCESS OF MARS

    By H3A3N5K0
    A great book for anyone from 10 to 90. Please find a way to have your books read out loud to the reader. Thank You
  • Just Great

    By Fgonzalgonzal
    A wonderful classic sci fi novel.
  • Great!

    By Odojohn
    I saw the Disney preview and just read the book. Can't wait to see the movie!
  • Good Old Pre-SciFi Sci-Fi

    By Yanq7
    An interesting easy read of a science fiction novel before there was science fiction. It's a mixture of superscience and swordplay from the author of the "Tarzan" novels. Written in 1912, it is a great period piece when life on Mars could still be possibly green men and the canals could still be thought to be water-carriers. P.S. The movie "A Princess of Mars" will be released in 2012. Read the book now!