TOP 17 CHEAPEST Countries to travel in 2022Traveling the world doesn’t have to be expensive; it can be cheap! The Philippines, Thailand, Bali, and various cheap travel destinations around the world, you can travel on a budget without spending too much money. We start the list with the Philippines, one of the cheapest destinations in the world! beaches, coconuts, cheap airplanes, cheap food, beautiful scenery!Help Support the Channel with a tip! FACEBOOK GROUP: TIPS VIDEO:

Nicaragua has the same attractions of Costa Rica?!?? Man, Costa Rica is stunning! Nicaragua is barely ok.
Thanks 🙏
I wish I could afford afford to take just one of those trips.
Johnny sins has really done it all
Alaska is the most beautiful place in America – majestic mountains, fjords, glacier rivers, lakes, wildlife. The untouched beauty is breathless.
Hawaii is also very beautiful.
Pakistan is Very Beautiful & Cheap Country for Tourists & Tourism With Loving People, Delicious Foods, Natural Beauty, Peace, Love & Respect 🇵🇰
How much is the Himalayan trek?
when is the best time to go to Thailand? Airfair is 2-3k 🤔
Thank you for recommending srlanka❤❤❤
I'm in Turkey right now. Even the Turks themselves are adjusting to inflation combined with devaluation of the Lira. A gift shop guy told me last yr a magnet was 10 Lira now its going for 75 Lira. So it's very cheap but ya know
PHILIPPINES " The Pearl of the Orient Seas "
I've never traveled but now that I have money I would love to try to travel like you do..
Man, you’ve visited more great places on this planet at a young age than 99.9% of the population does in a lifetime. Impressive. Great video work too. Love your work, bro!
The Bolivian Death Road reminds me of the arteries into and out of Kathmandu, Nepal. I remember going out to raft the Trishuli and being freaked out, especially since a bus had gone over the edge and killed a bunch of people shortly before I arrived. It was even scarier at night. No highway; just mountain side roads. It was wild!
India is the best place in the world
there are tourists who just simply take a video and not intellectually discussed it, but you-Jonathan is an exception, you show and discussed how, the whys, the whats, etc… You are very informative…
Hi.. from Philippines
which countries from this list will be the safest to visit? thank you.
lanka mexico vietnam
WHERE IS PART 2!!!!!? 💓
Crisp, contextual and uncomplicated…kudos on creating this excellent video.
Have you ever been to Heaven? This is heaven-
These videos should include for Americans.
I am a Sri Lankan. It was really happy to hear that you love Sri Lanka.
Part one was great. As I'm sure part two is.