wanna know what are THE BEST PLACES TO VISIT SWEDEN IN 2021? Then you are in the right place!! ✅#bestplacesinsweden #bestplacestovisitin2020 #top10bestplacesSweden is one of the best holiday destinations in Europe. Situated in the northern part of Europe, the country isn’t just a small nation. Sweden is blessed with beautiful scenery like dense forests, sprawling river valleys and frozen glaciers and the country has a very exotic lifestyle and rich culture. There are numerous reasons to visit Sweden, whether you’re a city person, love the outdoors or you enjoy luxury resorts, you will have everything at your fingertips. With this in mind, we’ve put together a guide to some of the best places to visit in Sweden to help you make the right decision.ENJOY THE VIDEO!!!Song: “Sappheiros – Embrace [Chill]” is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0)Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: http://bit.ly/Sappheiros-EmbraceFor more information read below 🔽🔽Contact Email: travelplannert20@gmail.comFollow us on social media 🔽🔽
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Thank you. Sweeteness beautiful3 I like the forest and lakes and the cities with the canals. Stop calm is a beautiful city. The islands are beautiful Goslin is beautiful. So is Guttenberg Is sorry for the spelling mistakes gottenberg. Very beautiful city.
Life is a test to know more read about Islam
Very nice
والسماء بنينها بايد و انا لموسعون o
" And the heaven We built it with power, and indeed, We are the expander "
(And We it is Who make the vast extent, thereof )
(Qur'an, 51:47)
Until 1931, physicist Albert Einstein believed that the universe was static. An urban legend attributes this change of perspective to when American astronomer Edwin Hubble showed Einstein his observations of redshift in the light emitted by far away nebulae – today known as galaxies.
After Hubble discovered that the universe was expanding, Einstein called his view of the cosmological constant the "greatest blunder."
At around the same time, larger telescopes were being built that were able to accurately measure the spectra, or the intensity of light as a function of wavelength, of faint objects.
Almighty Allah is Originator of the whole universe.He says:
Should He not know what He created? And He is the Subtile, the Aware.
The knowledge of the scientists is very limited as they themselves admit it. They don't know the dark matter and the dark energy that is 95% of the universe.
Rejection of Almighty Allah relying on this limited knowledge is not justified.
Almighty Allah says:
سنريهم آياتنا في الآفاق و في أنفسهم حتى يتبين لهم أنه ألحق ، أولم يكف بربك إنه على كل شئ شهيد o ( حم السجدة : ٥٣)
We shall show them Our Signs in the horizons and within their own selves, untill it becomes clear to them that He ( Almighty Allah) is
the Truth
Expending universe is one of His Signs. Believe in Allah and His last and final messenger Mohammad(pbuh) and in Jesus that he is one of the mightiest prophet of Allah sent before Jesus.
Ph.D. (Arabic Lit.) M.A. Arabic Lit.+Islamic Studies)
Amena Institute of Islamic Studies
& Analysis
A Global & Universal Research Institute,
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SBI A/C30029616117
Kolkata,Park Circus Branch
Fake shit. I live in sweden
Am i the only one erritated by the voice?
Great video 👍
Pics from Stockholm was not from Stockholm, bad
Sweden is a place producing dreams .
I am mesmerized by the wonderful scenery and landscapes of effulgent Sweden
From Tokyo of the Land of the Rising Sun 🇯🇵
…Stockhol markipelago…
Adorable Scandinavian girls. Just like a Goddess. My only plan this summer is to fall in love in Northern Europe. I want to find my soulmate anymore.
crap video, places from only the south part of sweden (except the ice hotel) and 90% of the pictures were not from sweden. find something better to use if you plan to travel here!!!!
I didnt like the Video. You didnt make the country apealing to me. It was monotone and boring. Too many cities and too less nature. I'll watch something else.
Has the maker of this video ever been to Sweden?
Dont come, its not safe we have to many immigrants sorry.
TheHöga Kusten in Ångermanland and the biggest waterfal in euorpe Storforsen .https://www.storforsen.se/
Saludos desde México.
Greetings from México.
I spend my most of time in cooking editing and uploading so I need all my brothers and sisters support plzz ❤️🥺
Warning!!! Complete crap video! Much of the footage isn´t even from Sweden, but from completely other parts of the world!
Almighty Allah says:
و ما ارسلناک إلا رحمة للعالمين
We sent thee not,but as a mercy for the all worlds.(for all creatures).
There is no question now of race or nation of a " chosen people" or the seed of Abraham or the " seed of David"; of Jew or Gentile, Arab or non–Arab, European or African, White or Coloured etc.
Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) is mercy for all.
To all men and women on the world without any exception.
The principles universally apply.
إن الدين عند الله الإسلام و من يبتغ غير الإسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه o
Islam is دين الله (Way of Life given by Allah). How mankind should live in this world. It is not made by Muslim. It direct or has it's root in Qur'an and authentic حدیث (sayings of Prophet) Therefore Islamic laws are in broader intersts of all being. Islamic laws are better than any other man made laws of any country.
Problem of Europe is that it does not understand / realise this fact. They think that theirs laws are better than Islamic laws.
Almighty Allah says :
The revelation of the Book is from Allah,the Mighty, the Wise.
Lo! We have revealed the Book unto them (Mohammad) with truth; so worship Allah,making the دين (Deen) pure for Him (only).
Surely pure Deen is for Allah only
Kindly make your mind clear that the the mankind is created by Almighty Allah — the Master Creator.
We have to study and research the Holy Qur'an sincerely. It is in broader interests of mankind.
Follow Islam to make your life better in this world and in Hereafter.
O Allah show us the right path of Islam.
" The path of those whom Thou hast favoured; Not (the path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go stray".
(Qur'an, 1:7)
Ph.D. (Arabic Lit.) M.A. Arabic Lit.+Islamic Studies)
Amena Institute of Islamic Studies & Analysis
A Global & Universal Institute,
Donate to developee this Institute
SBI A/C30029616117
Kolkata,Park Circus Branch
This video is crap! The most of the videos is NOT from Sweden! Strange production! 😡
I must be there some day❤️
cool video
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