The do’s and don’ts of visiting Paris, France. From the faux pas when it comes to food and fashion to the insights on sights and museums so you are ready to visit one of the most beautiful cities in the world, Paris! Tourist information on Paris that you can trust. We talk about the claustrophobic nature of the Eiffel Tower to the tourists that try to run across the world’s largest traffic circle!
Filmed in Paris
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Hi Mark, thank you so much for the great restaurant tip: La Vache et Le Cuisinier!!
Great advice! I have been several times to Paris. I would add one don't: Don't dress like a tourist. And I'm sure you have other videos on this concept. My mom and I went once, and we were dressed with a nice top and pants. We had gotten a bit lost and stopped at a restaurant. In my best Grade 10 level French I asked for some help. She got a coworker to man the front desk and practically took us by the hand to where we needed to go. Contrast and compare with a workmate of mine who went with his friends backpacking…even when he spoke French, he was snubbed. It's the combo of dress decent and speak French – you will be treated like gold. One more don't for basically anywhere in Europe: Don't expect obvious street signage. The street signs are like blended into building walls. I have seen that in France, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Czech Republic, Bratislava (Slovakia), Austria.
Just came back from Paris for spring break. This video is very helpful, I wish it came out weeks earlier!
Oh Rachel- the matching jumpers are wonderful! The babies are beautiful! 💜
In Provence on the way to Nice. Loved my France holiday. Back to Paris in 4 days. Your tips are truly helpful.
Great video. We love them so much. But I will have to say, France has always been one of the rudest, most pretentious countries we’ve ever been to, wait staff AND citizens. Not everyone (especially in smaller towns), but enough that we don’t even go anymore. Too many other places we’d rather visit. Even in Epcot, the only pavilion we have ever had problems with rudeness has been at the France pavilion, 3x over the years. Zero at any other pavilions, I’ve been going to Epcot since it opened in 1982. Morocco had the most friendly native workers of all of the pavilions. Germany and most Scandinavian countries can be a bit rude too. The friendliest countries for us: Italy, Greece, Portugal, Scotland, and Israel.
I love how this video dropped my first day in Paris 😂 I’m literally here now
Hi Wolter! Are you in Paris now? Or do you pre record this for use later?
Having traveled extensively, I do disagree with outside Paris trips. My suggestion is to make Paris one vacation( with a day trip or 2).Seeing other parts of France best another vacation. Actually thus suggestion is valid for most tourist big cities.. i.e. Madrid, Rome etc. Excellent channel.
I loved Paris overall on my 1988 trip but one of the biggest shocks was how prevalent the dog culture was to the point where in a McDonald's the person had a dog under the table! The other problem with Paris was the high probability of stepping in le merde des chiens. I hope that's better nowadays.
Is it true it's difficult to find public restrooms in Paris? 🥲😅
Is it possible to get by ordering at cafes etc with only knowing English
A great in-depth video. I love it. Thanks for all the information I greatly appreciate it. Paris is definitely on my bucket list.
As always, great advice. Thank you
TAKE THE BUS INSTEAD OF THE METRO IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE CITY YOU CAME TO VISIT! Leave the metro to Parisians hurrying to work. Thank you.
You're not an idiot because you don't speak a foreign language!
I went to France in 2013 not Paris, but went to Nancy for a concert. I can't say for the Parisians in general, but the French I encounted were very rude and not helpful. It can make a huge difference as an American to learn a few phrases in French, especially, ESPECIALLY if you are going to a city other than Paris. It is really a pretty country and worth visiting even though if you don't speak French, they aren't very helpful. Just a friendly heads up : )
Vistied Paris last summer, my don'ts: Don't be intimidated by security measures at the big attractions such as soldiers on patrol with long guns. Don't expect Disneyland Paris to be like Disney World… a different vibe with some rides more intense than at DW. Don't pass up eating at a Paris McDonalds, they offer some stuff you won't find at a US McD's like macaroons and baguettes. Don't be afraid to rent a car and drive from Paris to Normandy, just rent from a place that is as close as possible to the A14 highway (which links to the A13 which gets you to Normandy) to minimize city driving and to avoid driving around Arc de Triomphe. Don't even think about driving around the Arc or walking across it, that is truly one of Dante's circles of hell. So glad there is a pedestrian tunnel to it. Related to wait staff, don't expect wait staff to dote on you like in the US, I found Parisian wait staff to be less attentive overall. Longer to order, longer to get food, longer to get the bill than in the US.
Could you do a short about how to find the stairs to the Arc De Triomphe? I'll be going to Paris for the first time solo in August and have always wanted to know how to get past the traffic to the ADT.
Good advice a lot of that I learned on my trip to Paris it would have been nice to know it beforehand so now when I go back I will know
Going next week 🙂 Can't wait!!
Amazing information ❤️🙌Being able to provide all my needs without the help of the Government is really a dream come through and I’m getting $43,050 returns from my $7k investment, glory to the everlasting God almighty.
Yeah I can definitely see the being careful of your items in Paris. A pair of youtuber friends I watch went to Paris and when they were checking into the hotel she got her bag stolen by someone that slipped up behind her and used his foot to hook onto the bag's straps. Even with video evidence they said it seemed like the cops didn't really take it seriously.
10:48 But you said: i'm Sorry i'm a stupid girl.
Another great video by this very informative man. There's 100% truth in what he says. I've gotten to know Paris fairly well over the years. He's so right about finding your own little part in Paris. Mine is Monmartre. Although I've covered all the tourist sites in the city I do need to cover The Latin Quarter a lot more.
Don't expect to see a WWII French Army museum-it doesn't exist!!
Tell them I speak German, which is what they would be speaking if the US didn't save them in WWII
I agree Mark when you are discussing stereotypes. You can’t judge the states by going to New York City or Los Angeles. You also can’t judge the citizens here by watching Hollywood. I appreciate your channel.
Another don't: don't give the teenage Roma girls any money.
We went to Paris in aug 2014🎉. Would go again in a heartbeat 💗. I’m not a city person but Paris is totally different I’ve been to London,Germany, Ireland,Africa. Paris is still my best trip to a city.
Go somewhere else.
I’ve lived here for 5 years and this all rings true ! Bravo Mark ! But it makes me sad to hear you call yourself an idiot, even in jest 😉 — in French that word is more demeaning/forceful than in English :).
Don’t travel to Paris unless you speak French or you are accompanied by someone who speaks French otherwise they gonna hate you cause they have a complex and you gonna have a shitty time! Simple!
Now I don't judge people who smoke (my late paternal grandpa was a smoker), but I personally can't be around them due to my dad having a lung disease (he was the biggest reason why my paternal grandpa try to stop smoking after he learned my dad had this disease). Plus I am a carrier (the disease is genetic) and can possibly still get it, so thanks for mentioning the smoking at cafes, it's something I'll definitely be on the lookout for so I can avoid it.
I really would love to visit Paris one day, maybe spend a few days there, but the big goal for me if/when I visit France is to go to Normandy to see the D-Day stuff as well as visit the place where Monet did his Water Lillies series. Plus, Normandy is where my dad's French Ancestors came from. One thing I'll be curious to see is if anyone in France gets my last name right (because it's French). As a rule, complete strangers here always got it wrong the first time. Only exception was when I took French in College and my Professor (who is from the Netherlands) got it right the first time lol.
Lots of locals working in Paris are foreigners too .
I will be in Paris soon, and I only have plans to see Versailles. I plan to just wonder about and explore. And thanks to your videos about scammers and pick pockets, I will not carry anything of worth while out