Socotra is hands-down one of the most epic places I’ve been to. On my recent trip to this Yemeni island with Welcome to Socotra, I spent an unforgettable 2 weeks camping, hiking, swimming and exploring.In Socotra, on a remote beach, I met a modern-day Robinson Crusoe. This man lives alone, isolated from the rest of the world, and I want to tell you about his life.Check my Instagram for daily updates on my adventures to not-so-popular tourist destinations: check the page of Welcome to Socotra: they organize tours to this paradise island, and I absolutely loved my tour with them: from Epidemic SoundsThank you for following along on my adventures! 🙂

The hard realities of life shouldn't stop us from fantasizing and appreciating the beauty of this world all around us….We need to self-isolate once in a while. There's so much more beauty of this island that we are yet to see
Suprised that she didnt get r@.ped and stoned to de.ath by savage locals..
تٌحًيَآ آلَجّمًهّوٌريَةّ آلَيَمًنِيَهّ 🇾🇪
يَ حًيَآتٌيَ يَآ آصّلَ آلَعٌربً 🇾🇪
Hi Eva! Your way of describing and the presentation of different beautiful places are really amazing and insanely beautiful. It seems like that I am visiting all those places with you. Best wishes from Bangladesh with the invitation of visiting my country which is famous for it's natural beauty along with the longest sea beach of the world the Cox'sbazar,the Saint martin,the Sundarban and many others like that uncountable beauty. Please contact with me me if you visit Bangladesh and it's will be a great pleasure for me.
Nooooooo i cant let u alone !!!!!! Ur so cute 🙃 okey 3 years ago i respond
Make your dream become reality ❤
I want these kinds of life
paradise ❤
This is my country Socatra of the Yemen and I am proud being part of it
The island will not have such beauty if UAE “Business” have their way of turning this gem into a tourist site and polluting it with all things toxic that come along with industrializaron. What about the Dragons Blood tree dying out due to climate change? What about all the species of wild life that will go extinct when tourists and industrialists take over?
Why was this not addressed in this video? This looks more like a tourist business marketing video!
الحرية للجنوب اليمن
freedom for South yemen
Great place
Stay safe be happy♥️
if he was white it would be called off grid? (5:05)
So graceful.
That’s what you think I will sit on the sand and look at the sky until I die I refuse to do anything other than maybe eat it I’m hungry or drink if I’m thirsty etc
Hamid should have the same pay as the CEO of google
What a beautiful place, and what an incredible man you introduced us to. Thank you.
"one of the hardest-to-reach places" | "Welcome to Socotra" – smiling, on the airport xD
If you can just get there by plane, is it really that hard to reach ? 😉
Jokes aside, this place really looks amazing, I found myself already checking flight prices 🙂
welcome to yemen, you are beautiful. I'm from yemen and I don't understand the lanaguege the guy spoke , maybe its socotrain accent
The island is closer to Somalia than Yemen
What an amazing place 😯❤
Good reality check, Gratitude is the secret
Wow, I just now found your channel (from a short about not sitting in chairs!) and this is the first of your videos I’m watching… for some reason I’m sobbing through it! ❤ Amazing content.
I subscribe after that honest reality check!
Socutra islands of Somalia 🇸🇴
Meanwhile astronomers are searching water 💧💦💧👄 on Mars while we already have plenty of it on the mother earth 🌎 and we aren't conserving it properly.
Great vlog. Definitely subscribing!
It's my country, Yemen, but I haven't visited this place
Looks like poverty to me
As we say it, Hollywood ain't got s*** to do with this. Awesome video by the way.
That island man actually does live the best life people are just too comfortable in a matrix and there's no real growth in being comfortable…but true comfort is living naturally, living a natural life is comforting and helps one grow and the artificial life of paying bills and cement buildings and skyscrapers that artificial life is more problematic and more difficult in many psychological spiritual and physical ways then it is to just live naturally, and Hollywood's Vision or portrayal of living on an island does not do a good job in portraying the beauty of living naturally and I'm not talking about the external beauty I'm talking about the beauty that comes from within living naturally and around a natural environment, Hollywood's vision is not the reality nor a good analogy representation or decent comparison of the reality of living naturally like that man, living naturally like that is way easier and much more healing and more empowering than living artificially, it's not to say they aren't some good things in what humans create, it's just a clarification that the natural world has everything we need from natural medicines to companions in the form of other creatures and delicious plant-based Foods..and the natural world is one of the best teachers of life and even love.
What a great video ❤
I am from Yemen
Unfortunately, there are people who are my neighbors who are very poor and do not have enough to eat because of the famine in the country
And they have the youngest boy who is sick with a malignant disease in his right leg, and they do not have the value of treatment, although he only needs treatment abroad, and the father is sick with cancer and he cannot get up, and their condition is very bad. Every day they suffer more.
We can do nothing for them other than pray
What we can do is the sustenance of our day only!💔
You are Lara croft 👓
who was your tour guide? could you share his contact information please? thx
They are not returning to this land that belongs to Somalia, but the day they return, some will be killed and some will die.🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴💪💪💪
ماااااا اجملك يا بلادي سقطرى 🇾🇪
Hamid the Hermit lol
Your so beautiful
You watch this and wish that everyone caught in that murderous war would just get on boats and come out to Socotra to live happily and freely 😔 Not the case, though….right?
I wonder how Mr. Hamid is doing 🤔
Przeczytałem Robinsona Crusoe 3 razy…Jedyna ksiażka z lektór szkolnych od której nie mogłem sie oderwać🙂 Też miałem takie marzenie o bezludnej wyspie🏝 I chyba siedzi ono we mnie do dzisiaj 😉
Why is.Yeman scorta belongs to Africa somali 😡😡