We ended up spending a week in Mole St Nicolas. During that time, we tackled a few boat projects, enjoyed a few super cheap meals at the local hotel, and even went sailing with our friend Jimmy. After a few days in the BEST anchorage in Haiti, we were sad to leave such a wonderful place and such wonderful people, but we were also really excited to head out and set sail towards Cap Haitien.If you enjoyed this episode, please give this video a thumbs up, it helps us out a bunch 🙂WANT MORE?
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Music :
Safety Net- Riot
Epidemic sound music

Did someone farted at 1:23 😅
Hope those lobsters were at least killed before boiling. Such casual cruelty towards animals
Dan, you and Kika are amazing together unlike other sailing couples I follow. You obviously respect each other with no apparent competition in your relationship. Also, I have a new respect for the people of Haiti and wish them the best.
You should fish more!!!!!
Well we already know you guys are great, but can I just say how in love I am with Jimmy right now, lol. Jimmy, the hotel staff, the plethora of fishermen.. loving the community bond between the people of Haiti and how warm and welcoming they are to newcomers. You’re right, a destination sadly overlooked, one not listed in my travel plan, but I believe my plan has now officially changed. Thank you so much for the way you highlighted the various parts of Haiti, I’m so impressed by the experience. 💕
The water 🌊💗 it's always hard leaving great people behind but a joy to have met 💗
What a great video!
It makes me want to learn the language in order to have the poetry of it.
Incredible episode. Don't even have words.
Being cooked alive is a terrible way to die. Even for a lobster. Animal cruelty.
The image of you guys kissing on the bow underway… is there a more iconic postcard photo than that?! If there is I haven't seen it yet. Cheers to you guys!
Boat work is the most interesting and fun for me on sailing on trips.
Wonder if they really realize they're living in Paradise 🤣😜 I consider them very VERY lucky 😎👍
Lovely, thank you.
Sailing with Jimmy – the pure joy to sail! 🙂
I love Jimmy's canote. Reminds me our 420 or Caravelles here.
A great video…..i love the local pictures!!
i would have a hard time to leave…..
God that is perhaps the most beautiful episode so far. You guys are just so nice and of course people respond in a similar way….i love that i know there are so many more seasons for me to watch….
Beautiful 😍
Congratulations on this way of life! Please also post the names of the songs.
Almost a 'Mark Weins moment' with the pizza 🙂
we bit of a mistake they have flexible elements and eco always know where the anchor is going to hit CORAL
Ummmm, seafood paella pizza
5:03 Those are langostinos, not lobsters. The difference? Lobsters have claws.
6:20 Pack such a kite in you ditch bag.
Wonderful Haitian help by those two fishermen. Would you get that help in Key West?
Delightful Kika for President of Haiti.
Mole St. Nicolas was where Christopher Columbus first landed in the New World, according to Wiki.
WOW! The price for those lobsters is insane!
Well done guys! Another fantastic video! Haiti seems such a lovely friendly place! Honestly you've crated one of the best series of videos ever! Wish you flat seas and flat sails :-)!
Ever thought about running a line with a chain hook to a big winch to pull the Anchor?
brave not to wear a life jacket sailing on thatdinghy…
So glad you got the "Cheers" in at the end!!
One question how do you anker without damaging the coral thanks
Get a windlass, you had one in a previous episode when you loaded the new chain on and now you don't. What happened to it, did I miss the episode where it went?
so much goodness in this episode, that proud smile on Jimmy's face, those tasty lobster!!! Keep up the great work, I'm still catching up!!!
When the video got to Jimmy's boat working (at around 7:30) I got to see what sailing used to be. I always think of modern boats, with modern sails solidly attached, with a boom that isn't bent to 30 degree angle. I loved seeing your experience!!
Who are all the Jimmy paternalists, a collection of colonial religious fundamentalists? Kika, so sad to leave but does anyway… to go sleep on somebody else's couch? Weird competing philosophies.
Having watched this and the previous episode, I have to say that the two of you are the most beautiful sailing couple on YouTube… and I'm NOT talking about your looks.
May your open-hearted generosity inspire all the others out there.
QUESTION: Why do you have the keys on your MacBook color-coded?
(Your) choice of music inspires. Your editing is as good as it gets. On all levels, your gift of glowing-faces-staring-into-the-primordial-family-fire is good story-telling. Rather than drown my sorrows in whiskey, I binge-watched the first 30 episodes one day, 30 the next, and here I am on my third day–because you're good people to be around. Thanks, from a less lonely traveler.
It’s Dec 2019, it’s amazing how your sailing vids and kindness to the locals still bring that warm nice feeling to the heart. Blessings to you both this holiday season.
Jimmy takes you sailing, of course, that is funny, Like I wonder if this lady who sailed here and has a big sailboat and spends most of her life sailing would like to go sailing in my 10 ft long little open boat. Why would you not?
I love the project vids (not the lengthy/too much detail
ones) and food n dining vids (on/off board; more please). U2 are an awesome
couple! And so smart…transporting electronics in plastic tub…genius! They
should charge 3x for that "peeza" just for the time it takes lol.
While in the Caribbean, eating crustaceans like it was bologna is awesome! I hope you tipped those guys 😉
Really Good Stuff, Love the last two videos,
All of them actually… BTW, you hit 130,000 subscribers this evening… 😳👍😎✅