Photographer WordPress Theme
The photography theme is for people who have photography business, are photographers/artists themselves, would like to have an online gallery or are just photography lovers.
The theme is realized with WordPress. WordPress is a Content Management System or CMS, which is helps as designers as well as the users easily manage the website, edit it or create it. The photography template is responsive. Responsive themes are suitable for any device’s or their orientation. Therefore, tablets, smartphones and PCs will all shot the design perfectly! Nowadays, people need several seconds to look at the website and they are already able to say if they like it or not. We worked hard on this design and believe that all of the details that unite in it will make the best impression on its visitors.
Most of the photographers or even the people do not have much experience with coding. We have a great news for you! No coding needed to manage WordPress themes. WordPress is known for its easy to manage admin panel, from where you can upload or delete unlimited photos, texts or other contents.
If you want to view the same website in Bootstrap version, please click here.
You can see the main menu on the left side of the homepage. We decided to close it on default, but its possible to change the setting as well and you can have it always open as default. To enhance it just click on the following button:

After, your screen should look like this

Then main menu will stay still even when scrolling through other pages. It has several pages included, which are Home, Gallery, About me, Contact, Blog and Pages. We would like to share a little bit more information about some of them so let’s start with the most significant one – Gallery. When you hover over Gallery section, you will see animated sub-menu. This sub-menu can have unlimited categories.

When choosing one of them, you get redirected to the chosen photo gallery page itself, as displayed below: Picture 1

Now let’s discuss some more about the functionality of the theme. When you click on any photo, you get redirected to the “demonstration page”. This page shows the photo on full screen. You can see how it looks like here:

There are 3 very interesting button included. If you press < or > buttons, you can view every photo in the album or category. < meaning going back in old photos, > meaning going forward in the photos. The arrow button takes you back to gallery category page and i icon opens a detailed description, where you can add more information if you want to. View the picture below:

This info is also available by clicking “read more” on the photo gallery page, as you can see in the Picture 1.
The photography theme includes all the details that are more than enough for starter or a professional photographer. If you have questions about the theme, please contact us. We will make sure to do the best we can!
We are planning to make new pages for this photographer theme, thus expanding its functionality. These additions can be something like adding a purchase page with PayPal button or a checkout page. Anyone who buys this theme will be fully informed about renewal of the template and will be able to download it free of charge.
Please note: All images are for preview purposes only and are not included in the download file.
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